Friday, June 1, 2007

Went to the most beautiful beach I've ever seen today - an inlet off of the Agean sea. I forget the name, but it's where the Greeks sailed from in the Trojan war.

Tomorrow we visit Mycence, Epicarus and leave for Crete for five days. Not sure if I'll be able to update much between now and when we come back, but at least you'll know where I am.


Sulevis said...

I'm not sure if you have time to check OD these days but I've emailed you my contact number.

Do you want me to pick you up from Dublin Airport on the 18th or will you get to Dublin City Centre on your own and I'll meet you there?

Matthias said...

I'll be at a hostel the night of the 18th, as it's a late flight in from Milan. I'll meet you at the Spire at a time that works for you.